Anope 1.8.5 veröffentlicht
Erstellt von Rhodan am Freitag 24. September 2010
Von den Anope IRC Services wurde die Version 1.8.5 veröffentlicht. Die neue Version enthält neben der Unterstützung für den InspIRCd 2.0 auch noch viele Bugfixes, verbesserte Logging-Möglichkeiten, man kann nun Anope einwandfrei mit MS Visual Studio 2010 kompilieren, ebenso ist es nun auch möglich, Mail-Forking zu nutzen. Der Changelog ist im Anhang zu finden.
Direkter Download von Anope 1.8.5 (Source): hier
Direkter Download von Anope 1.8.5 (Windows): hier
Direkter Download von Anope 1.8.5 (Windows mit MySQL): hier
05/05 A Added an internal event called when a nick is requested [ #00]
05/09 A Added an Atheme to Anope database converter [ #00]
05/12 A Added logging for stateful commands [ #00]
05/22 A Added an internal event called when a nick is ghosted [ #00]
05/22 A Added an internal event called when a nick is recovered [ #00]
05/23 A Added old nick parameter to EVENT_CHANGE_NICK [ #00]
08/13 A Added forking for mail sending on supporting operating systems [ #00]
09/05 A Added InspIRCd 2.0 support [ #00]
04/15 F Fixed os_info to backup its database on Windows [ #00]
04/15 F Fixed a potential crash in cs_clear ops when using UnrealIRCd [#1154]
04/16 F Fixed missing TS6SID on FJOIN in inspircd12 [ #00]
04/19 F Fixed ns_info to show nick expire times to opers not only admins[ #00]
04/28 F Fixed a bug that could make some nick requests disappear [ #00]
05/18 F Fixed English and grammar in e-mail messages [ #00]
05/23 F Fixed SQUITing juped servers on InspIRCd 1.2 [#1165]
06/15 F Fixed ./Config to correctly load config.cache [ #00]
06/24 F Fixed pseudo-client kills not being detected on some TS6 IRCDs. [ #00]
07/01 F Fixed encrypting very long passwords when registering [#1172]
08/03 F Fixed tracking users vhosts when there is no vhost mode [#1178]
08/05 F Fixed tracking of our clients after nick changing on InspIRCd [#1180]
09/10 F Fixed pseudo-clients always getting oper on InspIRCd. [ #00]
Provided by Han` – 2010
8/14 F Updated german language file. [ #00]